Maritime Shadiness

An Original Universe Site


The world is inhabited by humans and monsters Here are some of the types of monsters.


High-level monsters with sentience. Most are humanoid and non-violent. Demon Herders are humans, often Magic Users, who protect and 'control' Demons. It is a very diplomatic occupation, with lots of give and take with the Demons. Although uncommon, some Demons become Demon Herders.

Demon Herders

Demon Herders are usually humans who specialize in keeping the peace between Humans and Demons. The mediate conflicts which often escalate to gruesome fights, meaning the Demon Herders must be skilled in combat as well as personal skills.

Half Demons

On the rare occasion that Demons and Humans have children together, Half Demons are born. Half Demons are usually weaker than Demons and may have less control of Mana. Dullahans, for example, require Mana to keep their heads on. With less control of Mana it may be more difficult for a Half Dullahan to keep their head on.


Elementals are Demons from another plane of existence. Magic Users have discovered how to summon them, and that, when summoned, Elementals have strict rules the must follow (seemingly against their wills).

Elementals are named such not because of special powers related to the elements, but because they seem to come in 4 varieties. These varieties have one color that seems to define them. Blue for water, red for fire, brown for earth, and white for air.

Elemental Rules:
1. An Elemental cannot directly cause harm to their Summoner.
2. An Elemental can only be given 1 order by the Summoner.
3. An Elemental must complete said order before they are free.
4. An Elemental can never return home.

Low-level Monsters

Low-level non-sentient monsters are often small and non-humanoid. Demons are usually quite protective of their low-level companions.