Maritime Shadiness

An Original Universe Site

Tall Ships

These research notes are relavent to The East as well as the setting in general.

Tall ships are large, traditionally-rigged sailing vessels. What you think of when you think of pirate ships, although they weren't always called tall ships.

At one point, vessels with three or more masts were called ships and vessels with less than three masts were boats3. No one cares about that nowadays though, so I can disregard that.


A sailing vessel with two, square-rigged masts. The aft (rear) mast is the main mast. Brigs were used both for mercantile and naval purposes. Merchant vessels mainly went along coastal trading routes. Oceanic voyages weren't uncommon. 10-20 guns were kept on a single deck on Naval brigs.

7-16 crew were required to sail, and the ships were 75-165ft long4.

Images from the wikipedia article for Brigs

The East is a brig around 120ft long with a crew of ~10 people (including unnamed characters not listed in the characters list).